I am admittedly very fond of doodling my thoughts, my schedule etc in a journal. I guess it started when back in high school, we were required to submit a weekly journal of our everyday activities in our English class. After that, I lied-low on the journal thing but went back to jotting down everything when I entered college in DLSU. I don't know if it's the same with other schools but because we live in the tri-sem world, everything is just so fast-paced. We can eat lunch while walking, while waiting in line at the elevator at Andrew Bldg, while in class (discreetly), and any other situation. We are always in a hurry, constantly chasing time, running from one building to another to make it in time for the next class within the 10 minute break via the heavily-populated elevators. God! And the worst of it all is papers, reports and projects are due "next meeting" which actually means... you have 1 day to do it -along with all the papers, reports, projects the other 4 subjects you had that day.