Sunday, July 17, 2011

I'm just thankful

It has been very hard for me to function for the last month or so. But today, I realized that it is finally going away!! Yehey! :) I have not wasted money on food for two days already! :) yeeey. I can actually digest now what I eat and not let the sink do the digesting for me. How happy am I? :) Not really that happy but at least some things have been working out. Rob and I are having our ups and downs lately and it's hard for me especially with my condition. But life's gotta go on and there are things to be done. God has plans and prayers always work. :) I'll just entrust everything to Him. :) a lot more 'bumps' ahead. :) hoho.

On another note, I was so pissed last Wednesday for something so terrible that happened. Haay naku. I don't want to make prejudices especially because these people have been really nice to me. But please girls, if you know that a person is already taken, please don't pose beside them on a picture. Insist on having another person with you there so that it becomes a group picture. You don't know what you could possible ruin (or kill). So, please have some decency to pose not too close and not just the two of you. You could be ruining a lot, for all you know.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

the wednesday that passed

In my previous post, I mentioned about a "hopefully good news". Surprise! It was indeed a good news. :) No need for me to panic cause I won't be in an operating room soon. :) Everything is normal and the pelvic pain that I have been complaining about is due to a very very normal 3cm cyst in my right ovary. It might go away soon. I hope it will. The pain even subsided already. It's not as painful as it was. So I'm guessing it is doing it's job of going away. haha. Thank you for your prayers. We love our baby turtle. And you will get to meet turtle soon! :) That I promise!! Ü

Saturday, July 2, 2011

expect the unexpected.

I've been away for awhile cause I've been secretly saving the world. Nah! My world have been a total havoc since I found out a little secret that would shake my world. A lot has happened. My paternal grandmother died last June 15 and it was heartbreaking for us cause she's been up and about until a week before she passed away. It was hypertension stage II that took away her precious life.

Aside from that, my body hasn't been cooperating lately. :( I've been feeling really sick. I've been losing focus in my school works since my grandma died and I wasn't able to catch up yet. Rob & I have been sort of in a chaotic mood. I pray that we'll get through all of these. Oh well. I need to refocus and also pray a lot. I have some (hopefully great) news on wednesday! pray for me! :) ♥ LOVE LOVE!

Sunday, June 12, 2011


This is a bittersweet moment for us and we are facing a very challenging trial. But Rob & I are working so hard to make it through all this together. Although tears have been shed and words were said, we're still doing our best to be positive and strong and to be mature about our decision. ONE BIG DECISION that will forever change who we are. Pray for us, dear friends. We are in dire need of prayers and support.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

disappointment at its finest


I can't fully explain why I came into this realization just now. It seems that people, no matter how much you believe they love you, will always be a disappointment. It's just fuckety fucking that people would be so darn selfish when all you did was to be generous to them. I'm not wanting payment over the things I did but I at least expected a little of it to be reciprocated. It's just plain horrible that these people (or person. YOU SON OF A BITCH) would be fucking selfish and when the time comes that there is nothing left with them (or him), they would come rushing to you for comfort. I did nothing but share what I had!! I SHARED!! And it fucking hurts when people don't get to give even a tenth of what you gave them. SELFISH LITTLE MONSTER! You can go to hell with your NEW gadget and DON'T EXPECT ME TO BE THERE cause I'll be busy spending my money for myself! 

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Jieshua's first day in school!

My baby is now a big boy. :) Such a surreal feeling.

Jieshua is already 4 years old and as I've mentioned in previous posts that he'll be in school this June. That day has finally arrived and it was epic! haha. We got up really early - 6AM! (Yes, that's early for us.) We got ready for school and since it's his first day, I wanted to be there and see how it goes! 

his "I'm ready for school" look!
The real "I'm ready for school" look. hahaha
I was expecting crying already. It's the first day of school, right? At first, Jieshua was agitated when we came inside the room. He eventually settled down and played building blocks. My mama left the room first. When it was time for all mommies to go, Jieshua cried because he didn't want me to leave. He couldn't do anything but cry as I left the room. Other kids (a lot of them) cried as well. 

playing building blocks
Jieshua was crying. :( 
still crying.. 

I was holding myself back from barging in the door and snatching my son. I was really heartbroken to see him crying and I was there not able to do anything. To keep the children from crying even more, the teachers closed the door, shut the curtains and the blinds. Parents had no choice but to leave. When we came back I saw an area where we could peep and see how the kids are doing. I saw them sitting in chairs and listening to the teacher. They were calm already. When it was time to go, the teacher let the parents get their kids one by one. When Jieshua saw me, he was about to cry again. haha. I told him not to cry cause I was there already. Haha. It was a really fulfilling to see your son conquer the first day of school. :) We rode the calesa after that.

his " I conquered school" look.
calesa ride.

Friday, June 3, 2011

of heroes and heroism

The chief Raoni cries when he learns that brazilian president Dilma released the beginning of construction of the hydroelectric plant of Belo Monte, even after tens of thousands of letters and emails addressed to her and which were ignored as the more than 600,000 signatures. That is, the death sentence of the peoples of Great Bend of the Xingu river is enacted. Belo Monte will inundate at least 400,000 hectares of forest, an area bigger than the Panama Canal, thus expelling 40,000 indigenous and local populations and destroying habitat valuable for many species - all to produce electricity at a high social, economic and environmental cost, which could easily be generated with greater investments in energy efficiency.

It was brought to my attention that there is a petition we all can sign to help support these indigenous people and the Amazon. Please take a second to check it out below or comparable petitions that are available. Thank you.

I've been scrolling and reblogging in my Tumblr like I always do and found some really interesting posts. There are days when I feel like reblogging fashion stuffs, cute stuffs, and then there's food but today, I wanted to acknowledge the heroism of some unsung heroes. A man who went and saved his best friend from a grenade in Afghanistan. See the post here. And I was even more touched by the post about a tribe in Brazil that are being ejected from their land to give way to the construction of a f-cking dam. How heartless could the government be? This is the post. And this is the direct link to the site where you could sign the petition. Please sign. It would only take a little of your precious time. Spread the word!

On a lighter note, I found out just recently that the anti-gay bill in Uganda, in which I signed a petition as well, was stopped. :) We can make a difference people! :) You just have to believe! :) ♥